Edit Pipeline Destinations | Ingest Labs

Edit Pipeline Destinations

After creating a pipeline, you can edit the Destinations to define the external destinations for exporting the data. You can select more than one destination.

Perform the following steps to edit the Destination:

Step 1: From the left navigation panel, select Pipelines.


Step 2: Click the pipeline you want to edit.


Step 3: Click the Destinations tab.


Step 4: Click Add Destination.


Note: You can add any number of Destinations in this field.

Step 5: When you click Add Destination, the Destination panel will open on the right. Click Select Destination to choose the appropriate option.



Step 6: Select a suitable destination from the Select Destination dropdown menu.


Step 7: Schema Fields

Step 7.1: Complete the required information in the Schema Fields section.


Item NameDescription
KeyDenotes the column name of the schema field for exporting data. Create a key to denote a category like browser, campaign ID, and number of conversions.
ValueSelect the value of the data source schema: Source Field, Function, JSON Path, URL Param.
Data TypeSelect the data type for exporting data: Number, String, Boolean, Date, Json, Json(withno schema).
Default ValueSelect from the following default values: Empty String, Undefined, Null, Custom Value.

Step 7.2: The Optional checkbox is selected by default. Unselect the checkbox to make it a mandatory schema field.

Note: The settings, transformation or delete functions are similar to the functions in edit a Data Source.

Step 7.3: Click Save at the top right of the screen.

Step 7.4: A confirmation popup will appear: Destination was added successfully to the pipeline.

Note 1: You can add any number of transformations in the Destinations field.

Note 2: To update a transformation, click the settings icon next to it.

Note 3: To delete a transformation, click the delete icon next to the transformation function.

Step 8: Filters

Step 8.1: When you select the Enable Filter checkbox, the Function tab becomes available.


Step 8.2: In the Function field, under the Type dropdown, the following options are available:

  • Pre-Defined Function

  • Custom Function


Step 8.3: Click Pre-Defined Function.

Step 8.4: Click the Function field dropdown and choose the appropriate function type.


Step 8.5: When you select a function type, the Additional Arguments section appears with two fields:

  • Name

  • Value

Step 8.6: For Event Namespace, click the dropdown and select the appropriate value.

Step 8.7: For Deduplication ID, click the dropdown and select the appropriate value.


Step 9: Retry Configuration.

Step 9.1: The Enable checkbox is already selected by default.

Under the Retry After field dropdown, you can choose from the following options:

  • Seconds

  • Minutes

  • Hours

Click to select the appropriate option.

Step 9.2: Use the up and down arrows in the Maximum Attempts field to set the desired value.


Step 9.3: Click the Save button to save your changes.